Lieko Shiga


小原真史 オンラインレクチャーシリーズ :「問い」を立てるキュレーション

Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展
Vol.2 人為と自然:「宮崎学 自然の鉛筆」展・「増山たづ子 すべて写真になる日まで」展・「笹岡啓子 渚にて」展
Vol.3 アメリカと日本:「富士幻景」展・天皇の肖像写真・「澤田教一 故郷と戦場」展
Vol.4 戦争と表現者:「戦争と平和」展 ― 戦前と戦後の連続性


NOW OPEN :Vol.2 人為と自然:「宮崎学 自然の鉛筆」展・「増山たづ子 すべて写真になる日まで」展・「笹岡啓子 渚にて」展

Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展 001
Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展

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Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展

キュレーター・映像作家。1978年愛知県生まれ。監督作に『カメラになった男 写真家中平卓馬』。2005年に「中平卓馬試論」で第10回重森淹写真評論賞、2016年に第24回日本写真協会賞学芸賞を受賞。IZU PHOTO MUSEUM研究員として「荒木経惟写真集展 アラーキー」、「宮崎学 自然の鉛筆」展、「増山たづ子 すべ写真になる日まで」展、「小島一郎 北へ/北から」展などを企画。著書・共著として『富士幻景―近代日本と富士の病』、『時の宙づり―生・写真・死』、『戦争と平和―〈報道写真〉が伝えたかった日本』、『森の探偵―無人カメラが捉えた日本の自然』など。

Lecture series by Masashi Kohara: “Curation that poses questions”

Vol.1 Imperial Exhibition: Exhibition “It’s a Small World: Imperial Festivals and Human Exhibitions”
Vol.2 Artificial/Nature: Manabu Miyazaki: Exhibition “the pencil of nature”・Tazuko Masuyama: Exhibition “Until Everything Becomes a Photograph”・Keiko Sasaoka : Exhibition “On the Beach”
Vol.3 the United States and Japan: Exhibition “VISIONS OF FUJI: An Incurable Malady of Modern Japan”・Portrait of the Emperor・Exhibition “Kyoichi Sawada: From Home to Battle Zone“
Vol.4 War and the Artists: Continuity between Prewar and Postwar: Exhibition “War and Postwar: The Prism of The Times”

At the exhibition, It’s A Small World, in Kyoto in February 2021, curator Masashi Kohara said, “While Human Exhibitions in old-time Expo treated humans in an ethnically or nationally categorized group, it seemed important to know individual or family aspect of these people. It is because photography captures individual elements.” Since those exhibited in Expo hardly left their words, Kohara sought to hear them by carefully seeing the photography in which they were captured. Why does filmmaker Kohara focus on curation in his work? I would like to listen to Kohara, whose words treat the ‘power’ of photographic or film media derived from their virtual and manipulative nature with great sensitivity. (Shiga)

NOW OPEN :Vol.2 Artificial/Nature: Manabu Miyazaki: Exhibition “the pencil of nature”・Tazuko Masuyama: Exhibition “Until Everything Becomes a Photograph”・Keiko Sasaoka : Exhibition “On the Beach”

Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展 001
Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展

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Vol.1 帝国の展示:「イッツ・ア・スモールワールド」展

Masashi Kohara
Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1978, Masashi Kohara is a curator and filmmaker. His documentary films include The Man Who Became a Camera (2003) about photographer Takuma Nakahira. In 2005, he was awarded the 10th Koen Shigemori Photography Critic Award for A Note on Takuma Nakahira, and in 2016, he received the 24th Photographic Society of Japan’s Scholastic Achievement Award. As a researcher at the Izu Photo Museum, Kohara organized Nobuyoshi Araki Photobook Exhibition: Ararchy, Manabu Miyazaki: The Pencil of Nature, Tazuko Masuyama: Until Everything Becomes a Photograph and Ichiro Kojima: To the North, From the North among others. He is the author or co-author of Suspending Time: Life –Photography– Death, Visions of Fuji: An Incurable Malady of Modern Japan, War and Postwar: Images of Japan As Seen in Hodo Shashin (Reportage Photography) and Detective in the Forest among others.


〒987-0005 宮城県遠田郡美里町北浦字新米谷11 旧パチンコ屋屋内 google map

〒987-0005 Inside former pachinko parlor, 11 Aza Shinmaiya, Kitaura, Misato-cho, Toda-gun, Miyagi Prefecture google map

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