Vol.1 主語を小さくしていく -みみず、安藤昌益、偽石器
Vol.2 生業としての捏造/創造 -藤村新一の指、ゴッホの耳 *NOW OPEN
Vol.3 3.11 復興の10 年 -飢餓供養塔、ショッピングモール、廃墟、ゴミ処理場
Vol.4 56億7千万年後のミュージアム -出來島海岸、洞窟壁画、青森県立美術館(美術館堆肥化計画)
1986年さいたま市生まれ。青森県立美術館学芸員。専門は現代アートを主とするキュレーションの実践。生きることからアートや美術館の可能性を広げることに関心をもつ。主な企画に「ここから 何処かへ 國府理」(2012/京都芸術センター)、「光の洞窟」(2014-15/KYOTO ART Hostel kumagusuku)、「青森EARTH2016:根と路」、「青森EARTH2019:いのち耕す場所 -農業がひらくアートの未来」(共に青森県立美術館)など。
Dialogue with Takahiro Okuwaki: The museum after 5,670 million years
Vol.1 Make subject smaller: Earthworm
Vol.2 Forgery and creation as livelihood: Shinichi Fujimura’s finger and Van Gogh’s ear. *NOW OPEN
Vol.3 10 years of reconstruction after 3.11-2011: Hunger memorial tower, Shopping mall, ruins, and disposal site
Vol.4 Museum after 5,670 million years: Dekishima beach, Cave painting, and the Museum composting plan
Takahiro Okuwaki e-mailed me in April 2021. We had not seen each other for years but we were facing the same struggles. After experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake 10 years ago, we could not avoid feeling a sense of discomfort whenever we are asked, “What can art do?” We suffer because we do not know where this sense of discomfort comes from. We start going back through time to arrive at the beginning of what we call “modern.” I would like to study again and think about it again from a different perspective. Okuwaki lives in Aomori, and I live in Miyagi. What would be the practices required in big cities, and how we can develop our behaviors from them? I would like to try my best in answering these questions regardless of the time it may require. (Shiga)
Born in Saitama city in 1986, Takahiro Okuwaki is curator in Aomori Museum of Art. His field is curatorial practice mainly for contemporary art. His interest is to expand the possibilities of art and museum from living. His mainly organized exhibitions are “Osamu Kokufu: Anywhere from here” Kyoto Art Center in 2012, “The Cave of Light” KYOTO ART Hostel kumagusuku in 2014-15, “AOMORI EARTH2016: Roots and Routes”, “AOMORI EARTH2019: AGROTOPIA -When life becomes art through local agriculture” Aomori Museum of Art.
〒987-0005 宮城県遠田郡美里町北浦字新米谷11 旧パチンコ屋屋内 google map
〒987-0005 Inside former pachinko parlor, 11 Aza Shinmaiya, Kitaura, Misato-cho, Toda-gun, Miyagi Prefecture google map