Lieko Shiga


清水チナツ+長崎由幹 トークシリーズ:メキシコでみつけた5つの “Bonito”

Vol.1 みんなが個人事業主:あなたから買うトマト 
Vol.2 つまづきの石:立ち止まるためのしかけ
Vol.3 手をかけた衣食住:すべてが手から生まれ、この土地に還る
Vol.4 存在を示す:アーティストたちは路上で表現する
Vol.5 ゆっくりでも前に進む:道をつくりながら歩む



1983年福岡県生まれ、宮城県在住。2011年から2018年までせんだいメディアテーク学芸員。2019年、仙台にてアートコレクティブ「PUMPQUAKES」を設立。おもな企画展に「畠山直哉 まっぷたつの風景」(せんだいメディアテーク、2016)、企画・編書に民話採訪者・小野和子『あいたくて ききたくて  旅にでる』(PUMPQUAKES、2019)、共編書に『Lieko Shiga|Blind Date|Exhibition』(T&M Projects、2018)など。2019年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度にてメキシコ・オアハカに派遣。


1985年宮城県生まれ、在住。映像制作を独学で習得し2011年から2013年までせんだいメディアテーク「3がつ11にちをわすれないためにセンター」スタッフとして震災の記録制作に携わる。展覧会「記録と想起 イメージの家を歩く」(せんだいメディアテーク、2014)に出展、展覧会制作に「物語りのかたち」(前同、2015)、出演舞台・舞台美術制作に「砂連尾理 猿とモルターレ」(茨木市市民総合センター、2017)などがある。2020年よりメキシコ・オアハカにて清水チナツとともに現地のアートコレクティブのドキュメント制作をおこなっている。

Chinatsu Shimizu + Yoshitomo Nagasaki: 5 “Bonito” which we’ve found in Mexico.

Vol.1 Everyone is a sole proprietor / Tomatoes which I’ve brought from you
Vol.2 TOPE: Make it ourself・Intentionally slow down speed・There is a place around
Vol.3 “DIY≠Bricolaje“:We will make it with what is here
Vol.4 “Demostrar”:To show existence
Vol.5 “LENTO pero AVANZO” : Move forward slowly

In Spring 2020, Chinatsu Shimizu and Yoshitomo Nagasaki departed for Oaxaca, Mexico. What they found and contemplated in Mexico when the whole world was in turmoil have encouraged me deeply.
Because of COVID-19, all museums and galleries in Mexico were closed, which made their research impossible; however, the artistic practices on the street never stopped, and they met many artists there. In September 2021, the two will finally return to Miyagi. We will build our life and practice from what they have learned from their extreme year-and-a-half stay in Mexico. (Shiga)

Shimizu Chinatsu (Independent curator/PUPQUAKES)
Shimizu Chinatsu was born in 1983 in Fukuoka and currently lives in Miyagi. She served as a curator at Sendai Mediatheque (2011–2018) before founding an art collective, PUMPQUAKES, in Sendai in 2019. Shimizu’s curatorial works include Naoya Hatakeyama: Cloven Landscape (Sendai Mediatheque, 2016). She also planned and edited the book Aitakute Kikitakute Tabinideru (I Want to See, I Want to Hear, and That Is Why I Travel) (PUMPQUAKES, 2019) by Kazuko Ono, a Minwa folklore scholar, and coedited Lieko Shiga|Blind Date|Exhibition (T&M Projects, 2018). Shimizu was sent to Oaxaca, Mexico, through the 2019 Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

Yoshitomo Nagasaki (videographer, taco enthusiast/PUMPQUAKES)
Yoshitomo Nagasaki was born in 1985 in Miyagi and still lives there. Nagasaki self-learned videography and helped create earthquake-related documentation as a staff member of the Center for Remembering 3.11 in Sendai Mediatheque between 2011 and 2013. He participated in the exhibition Documenting and Remembering: Walking through the House of Image (Sendai Mediatheque, 2014). He also produced the exhibition Forms of Story Telling (Sendai Mediatheque, 2015) and produced and acted in the performing art piece Osamu Jyareo: Saru to Mortale (Ibaraki-shi Shimin Sogo Center, 2017). He is working on documenting art collectives in Oaxaca, Mexico, with Chinatsu Shimizu.


〒987-0005 宮城県遠田郡美里町北浦字新米谷11 旧パチンコ屋屋内 google map

〒987-0005 Inside former pachinko parlor, 11 Aza Shinmaiya, Kitaura, Misato-cho, Toda-gun, Miyagi Prefecture google map

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